Bad posture gives you increased spinal wear and tear, feelings of depression, and a higher chance of back injury. What if you could look more attractive, feel healthier, and improve your self-esteem? Well, you can, with Backbone. Backbone's smart posture support aligns and supports your shoulders and spine while it is slim and weighs next to nothing. And you can wear Backbone under or over your clothes, without it being noticeable.

Backbone's mobile app connects via Bluetooth with its smart posture support to gently vibrate whenever you slouch, remind you when it's time to take a break and move around, track all your efforts, and more. You can start building a great posture in just 15 minutes a day. Backbone trains your body and mind's posture habits, so you can have your best posture at all times. Backbone can be adjusted to fit exactly how you want it to and have full control over the level of support you receive. It's easy and takes only seconds to adjust. Backbone comes in small, medium, and large sizes and features a long-life battery which can keep you going for weeks or months without charging.

Backbone is currently funded on Kickstarter by already more than 1000 backers. Pledge $49 or more and you can experience all the amazing benefits of good posture effortlessly.

Source: Kickstarter

Funding Status on Kickstarter